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Use Time-blocking to get more done

May 25, 2021

What is time blocking? 


Time blocking is a time-management tool where you schedule your time and productivity around blocks of time instead of around specific tasks. In short, it’s a time-focused work method as opposed to a task-focused work method. I’ll explain why a time-focused method can be better for your productivity. 




Plan your work day ahead of time. Identify everything that needs to get done and assign ‘blocks’ of time to complete each task. Aim for the least amount of time for each block of time (this is important). As you move through your schedule, only focus on the task assigned for each time block. After each block of focused work, allow yourself a short break, then move on to the next scheduled task. After you get used to it, time blocking can make you more productive and makes work less stressful. 


Time blocking may not be sexy, but it is cool. And it’s far superior to the old...

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3 ways to rethink how to be consistent

May 18, 2021

Learn the power of structure and consistency

Creating structure in your routines and being consistent is one of the best ways to get more done.


Everybody knows this but not everybody knows how to think about structure and consistency in the right way. Learn how to think about structure the right way, so you can actually create consistency in your own life.


Here are three ways to think about creating structure and consistency in your life:


  1. Structure doesn’t have to be boring. In fact it’s the opposite. 


  1. Structure isn’t forcing yourself to do anything. Instead, it puts you in control


  1. Structure takes away anxiety and gives your brain more energy to do things


#1 Following a plan is fun (really)!


Have you ever read a story to a child? They get all excited when stuff happens. Kids laugh at the funny parts. And they think it’s a blast when you use a bunch of goofy voices and act out the different...

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Name and tame your fear

May 11, 2021

What motivates you?


You need to identify what’s clearly at stake if you DON’T change a habit. 


Do you want to stop smoking?


Why? What will happen if you don’t? Bad health? Money lost to the cost of cigarettes? 


You want to start working everyday at 4 a.m. Why? What will happen if you don’t put that habit in place? Lose a promotion? Not earn enough to buy a nicer car? 


You can think about this from any angle you want, but answer the question, “if I don’t change this habit, what will the result be?”


You can identify the positive result of success or the negative result of failure, but you need to clearly visualize whatever that thing is that’s at stake with your desire to change a habit. 


Wait a minute? 


Doesn’t the Identity Factor stress the importance of getting rid of anxiety and limiting beliefs? How can it be a good thing to focus on something...

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Make habits you like

May 04, 2021

Get rid of habits you hate


How did you form healthy habits as a child? 


If you’re like most of us, it was because of your parent’s nagging. 


“Did you brush your teeth? Wash your hands? Did you finish your homework?”


Our parents gave us good habits by forcing us to do stuff that we didn’t want to do. (Although I hope no one has to tell you to wash your hands anymore).


That’s the blueprint most of the world still has for habits. 


A habit is something I hate to do, but I’m just gonna force myself to keep doing it, because it’s good for me. And eventually it will become second nature.


Think about that for a second. If you’re trying to form a habit that you don’t like, ask yourself this question, “why do I want to make a habit that I hate?”


You’re not a child. It’s time to stop forcing yourself to do things you hate. 



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Mind dumps - an easy way to get stuff done

Apr 13, 2021

What are Mind Dumps?

Good ideas are simple, counterintuitive, and link to other good ideas.


The concept of mind dumps fits all criteria. For example it’s another easy way to overcome procrastination. Plus, it’s easy to do. 


Mind dumps are easy...give it a try


A mind dump is where you take your ideas and put them on paper. 


Anybody can do it. But why does it work?


It works because it lets you get all of your thoughts and emotions out on paper (or a word doc, whatever works). Write down everything. Write down your plans and all that you consider actionable. But also write down all of your thoughts and worries and concerns. Once everything is on paper, it frees your mind to work more effectively. 


And it works with everything. Let’s say you have an idea for a new marketing plan for your business. Or you want to start getting healthier. You want to get started on a goal, but you’re not sure where to get...

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Why imperfect action is better than no action

Apr 13, 2021

“Just do it.”


There’s nothing wrong with that simple slogan. Nike made billions out of it. And it works because it’s true. You won’t get anything done until you get off your ass and start doing...something. 


Simple as.


But there’s more to it than that. Simple truths are powerful because they impact everything else. They’re the tiny domino that starts the chain reaction and gets all the dominoes falling. 


Let me explain 3 big reasons for why imperfect action is better than no action.


  1. Action creates opportunities


When you act in the world, you create opportunities. 


Some people might call that serendipity. And you know what? I believe in serendipity, so if that works for you, that’s all you need. 


But action does create opportunities, because it gives your unconscious brain more information to connect the dots to your success. Your unconscious brain will...

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How to overcome procrastination

Apr 13, 2021

This is a series of posts focused on different habit hacks.

Look, I know everyone talks about hacks, I get it. But these are simple habits that you can put into place today that will help you become more productive and achieve your goals. So, I figured, why not just call them habit hacks? 

So let’s start with a big to overcome procrastination.


This one is so easy, there’s only one step involved: 



To overcome procrastination, let yourself procrastinate.



That's it. Seriously. 



Let yourself procrastinate, and you’ll overcome procrastination. The key here is to overcome procrastination. Not stop it. Not beat it. Overcome it. Put it to work for you. When you do that - you’ll get more done.



You could stop reading right here, take this advice, and start being more productive. 



But after I explain why this works, you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to...

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Micro habits: better than willpower

Apr 06, 2021

Micro Habits


Focus your efforts more on micro habits instead of macro habits if you want to achieve success. A micro habit is one of the several steps that are involved in the macro habit, which is the main goal that you want to achieve. 


For example, if you want to set a habit of being more productive and working earlier, then you would establish the micro habits that support your ability to achieve that goal, such as eating earlier, going to bed earlier, exercising, putting social media away before bed, etc. 


  • Micro habits help with visualization


I talked about visualization in Habit Hack # 3.


Visualization is when you visualize the exact goal that you want along with every step for how to get there. Once you do this, your subconscious will know the route for how to achieve success.


Micro habits are a way to jump start and help your subconscious ability to achieve goals. The subconscious can be mystifying, but it shouldn’t...

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Visualization - Why it works and how to do it

Apr 06, 2021

Visualization works - Here’s Why


Visualization seems hokey. It has strong “Field of Dreams” vibes. It’s the belief that, if you imagine something, it will happen. 


Well, it does work. I’ll tell you why. Briefly. Then I’ll tell you how to put it into practice. First let me give you a clear definition.


Visualization is when you give your brain a clear, concrete picture of what you want and the steps to get there. 


Your brain wants to keep you alive. You have a conscious and an unconscious part of your brain. Your conscious brain is responsible for analytical thoughts, decision making, and all the stuff that you’re aware of, like what you’re going to watch on Netflix tonight or what you want on your pizza. Your unconscious is responsible for everything else. It makes sure your blood is pumping throughout your body and your heart is beating. It regulates your lungs and is constantly monitoring data...

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